Time Machine. ♥


Thursday, March 18, 2010 @ 9:39 PM
Tagged by: Beautiful AngelaLohZiQi ♥


1. Each blogger must post these rules.
2. Each blogger is to write ten random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write about the ten things in their blog and post these rules.
4. Then, you need to tag 5 people and list out their names.
5. Don't forget to leave them comments telling them that they've been tagged.

fact one: I loove camwhorring in my room and anywhere bright.
fact two: I'm still single.
fact three: I love watching movies again and again without getting bored. xD
fact four: I think smiley faces are really good ways to express yourself.
fact five: I'm always scared that I wouldn't look good in photos.
fact six: I feel happy when people say i'm cute or something. xD
fact seven: I sometimes cry over small and pathetic things like a dead lizard.
fact eight: I'll start crying really really fast if an animal is dying or is already dead.
fact nine: I hate it when people don't pick up my calls or reply my texts.
fact ten: I find many many things amusing.
Tag you're it :D ♥
`Hannah Goh Li Ping.
`Jasmine Lee Suet Yi.
`Low Le Shea.
`Trisha Anne.
`YOU xD.